
Business Process Outsourcing

Our BPO is the right solution for contracting the services, business-related operations, or work processes of an external, third-party vendor. Evergreen covers a number of BPO categories describing the location and function of the service provider like : Front-Office BPO ; Back-Office BPO; Nearshore BPO etc.

Our BPO services

You want to concentrate on your core business? Perfect, we will gladly take over the tedious and time-consuming repetitive work

Center of Excellence for Back office
Center of Excellence for B2B; B2C. Kundendienst
Create your unique corporate design, stand out from the gray crowd!
CRM First-Level-Support
We offer you First and Second Level Support in Zoho CRM

How it works

With the appropriate BPO partner, you can completely focus on your core business.

Project Request
Requst your Project and within 24 hours we will get in touch with you.
Project Study
Together we do a project description and we get into details of your requirements.
Team LineUp
We put together our best task force with great skills and Multilingual content Moderations Services
Sign up & Dawn
Once we have a deal, we take up the work to bring your business to the moon.